Young People Invited to Houses of Parliament

Monday 13th May, eight young people currently accessing our service were invited to visit both the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Housing and Homelessness) and the MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven. As part of our co-production Youth Voice work, we accompanied these eight young people to the Houses of Parliament. This invitation followed the first parliamentary committee debate of …

Sasha’s Story

Sasha, 20 (she/her) was sofa surfing for two years whilst studying art at college, hoping to receive a diploma next year. She has been actively engaging with her CTS caseworker, supporting and empowering Sasha to be more assertive. As a result of these caseworking sessions, Sasha has now moved into supported accommodation and is no longer sofa surfing, allowing her …

Christmas Appeal raises £75,926 for CTS!

We’re delighted to share that our recent Christmas Appeal exceeded its target, and then some.  The appeal’s target was set at £20,413, which is what it currently costs to run our drop-in centre for 4 weeks. Thanks to the extraordinary support and generosity of our supporters, an extraordinary £75,926 was raised this Christmas, enough to fund the day-to-day running of our drop-in centre …

New CEO Joins the Clock Tower Sanctuary

New CEO, Fabia Bates replaces Frances Duncan who leaves CTS following six and a half years as CEO. Fabia brings over 20 years of experience in Brighton’s community and voluntary sector including at Survivors’ Network and Community Works. She also has experience as both trustee and chair at two local charities – the Trust for Developing Communities, which supports communities …

CTS Celebrates 25 Years of Supporting Young People Experiencing Homelessness

Thursday 23rd November, we celebrated 25 wonderful years of the Clock Tower Sanctuary, surrounded by extraordinary individuals and organisations who have gone above and beyond to support our day centre. Without this appreciated and continued support, we simply couldn’t keep our doors open for the young people experiencing homelessness we’re so proud to support. The event saw too the release …

Hike Against Homelessness 2023 raises £7,563 for CTS!

Surrounded by amazing humans and the stunning, sun-drenched South Downs, it’s safe to say that we had a fabulous time on our second ever Hike Against Homelessness! While the challenge itself crossed the finish line more than a month ago, the donations didn’t stop there. We’re overjoyed to share that, thanks to the incredible fundraising efforts of our hikers, Hike …

CTS Welcomes New Chair on our Board of Trustees

We are delighted to welcome Alex Rees as our new Chair on our Board of Trustees. We look forward to working with Alex towards our mission to make Brighton & Hove a city where young people’s experience of homelessness is rare, brief and non-recurring. Emily Brock, former Chair at CTS, served on the Board of Trustees for more than six …

Big City Sleepout 2023 raises £41,810 for CTS!

  Monday 6th March 2023, 47 extraordinary humans joined us on the terrace of the Brighton i360 for our biggest and best Big City Sleepout to date! December of 2022, the dangerously cold weather forced us to postpone the event, so words won’t properly express how elated, humbled and proud we were to finally watch the sun rise and set on a wonderfully successful event.   BBC Radio …

Spotlight on a supporter: Laura from Articulate

This month, we wanted to give a shout out to Laura and Articulate. For over eight years, Laura has been coming to the centre to run creative and therapeutic photography workshops for our young people. She now travels 170 miles every week from Bristol for the sessions! Our clients love working with Laura and the work they produce together is stunning (see …

8-year-old ‘sleepout’ superstar, Hattie, raises over £1,000

When Hattie, just 8 years old, got in touch to tell us she was planning to do her own ‘sleepout’ to raise money for CTS, we were blown away. Having already done a sponsored one-night sleepout for us in 2021, Hattie had decided she wanted to do even more this time around. She was going to spend 8 nights in …