Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I’ve worked in the voluntary sector for over 25 years, most of it within Brighton and Hove, and had known about Clock Tower Sanctuary and the incredible impact it makes for a long time. The chance to join a team making a difference for young people in our city felt like the perfect role.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
There’s a positivity about the approach everyone takes. By creating a safe and supportive space everyone knows they are working towards a better future for the young people.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
I’d love to say something healthy like a handful of mixed nuts or seeds, but in reality I’m a sucker for a chocolate hobnob and a strong cup of tea!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I have worked with young people in a number of different settings for 22 years. After a 12 year gap I have returned to working with young people experiencing homelessness. I love working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary. I am always amazed and inspired by the resilience and determination of the people who come through our doors.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
My work colleagues and the young people who access the centre.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Black decaf coffee, no milk or sugar. Vegan chocolate cake.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I started working at the Clock Tower Sanctuary in 2016 as a contractor, helping with finance and management reporting. I initially started as a 2 week contract covering holidays and never left -gaining employment in 2017.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I like that we are all working towards something positive and it isn’t all business!
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Strong coffee with oat milk – there are so many nice cakes I find it hard to choose!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I have been working in the charity sector for over 9 years & have been living in Brighton for the last 7 years. I really wanted to work with a charity nearer to home that brought me closer to the issues facing young people in Brighton & Hove. I am so happy I got the chance to join a team that is making such an important impact on our local community.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
Working with a wonderful team who are passionate about making a difference. Who truly care about some of the most vulnerable people in our community. The centre is incredible and is a truly inclusive sanctuary for young people who need support. It’s amazing to work in a charity making such a difference.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
It’s got to be a mini-roll. Unbeatable!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
Having worked in the homeless sector in Brighton for about 16 years I have always been aware of The Clock Tower Sanctuary and the great work it does. Despite having changed significantly over the years the feeling of a safe, homely, non-judgmental space for young people to go has stayed the same.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I am so lucky to coordinate the amazing team of volunteers. They are such a great bunch of truly inspiring people.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Strong tea, no sugar with a shortbread finger.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I have been a youth and support worker in the city for 11 years now. I have been aware of the amazing frontline work the CTS does for some time, so when I saw the job advert, I jumped at the opportunity.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
Being part of a skilled and passionate team, and being able to support and empower our city’s most vulnerable young people.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Anything savoury or cheesy like me!!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I have recently returned to the Clock Tower Sanctuary as a Support Coordinator after having done an internship here 3.5 years ago. I’m looking forward to helping young people on their journey out of experiencing homelessness.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I love having a supportive and friendly team who are all dedicated to supporting our clients and making a difference to their lives.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Coffee and chocolate biscuits.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at the Clock Tower Sanctuary
For the first time since moving to Brighton 6 years prior, my working week enabled me to fulfil my desire to do some volunteer work. I began volunteering with The Clock Tower Sanctuary already highly aware of their positive reputation and was pleased to discover for myself what an excellent service it is. After 16 months of volunteering, and many delicious meals in the centre, an opportunity arose to become part of the team as one of the Duty Coordinators and I jumped at the chance.
What do you like most about working at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
Interacting with the young people who access the service is a real pleasure. You never know exactly how the day will pan out but you always know that you will leave at the end of the day having had some good laughs and interesting conversations – occasionally with a game of table tennis thrown in too!
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
It’s black coffee for me and with any sort of biscuit or cake that I can get my hands on.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at the Clock Tower Sanctuary
I believe everyone has a story to tell. When I see people on the street, I often wonder about their stories and how they feel. I started volunteering at the Clock Tower Sanctuary and was impressed by the charity’s trauma-informed practice to supporting young people. After volunteering for over a year, a Duty Coordinator position became available, and I applied for it—and got the job!
What do you like most about working at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
One of my roles is to provide support to our young clients and try to make a small difference in their lives. They teach me so much in return, and in many ways, I feel that they are like my teachers. All the staff and volunteers are unique individuals, and I feel fortunate to be surrounded by such wonderful people who share the same mission: keeping the Clock Tower Sanctuary going for those who need support and care.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Peppermint tea and Digestive White Chocolate.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I began volunteering here a few years back. I’ve always wanted to help in the homeless community and this was perfect. Through volunteering I then became a part time member of staff.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I love working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary as we see first hand what a difference we can make to young’s peoples lives and support them with their goals and aspirations. It’s almost a family in itself.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
I love a builder’s tea with one sugar. Millionaires cheesecake.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
My background is in life sciences research. I started working at CTS in 2023 after hearing about the wonderful work the centre does from friends who have worked and volunteered at the centre in the past.
What do you like most about working at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I have really enjoyed working with all the staff/volunteers at the Clock Tower Sanctuary, everyone is very passionate and engaged with the work the centre does. I think the role that we play in the community is extremely important and I’m really glad to be a part of it.
What’s your favourite teatime treat?
I’m much more of a coffee person, and I love a Tunnock’s tea cake!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I’ve been working in fundraising for ten years now, and moved to CTS from a big conservation charity. I loved the idea of working in a small team, being really close to the work we do and looking out for young people.
What do you like most about working at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
We have an amazing team with so much dedication to changing young lives. I love the fast pace and varied work that comes with working for a small charity. Being in fundraising means you get to see the very best of people – I am always so moved by the generosity and empathy I see from our supporters. There’s no greater satisfaction knowing that the money we raise will help a young person who is having a tough time.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
That’s a tricky question, I do love cake! Something fruity, like an apple and blackberry cake please.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I started volunteering at CTS in early 2022, and being here reliably led to the most rewarding moments of each and every week.
What do you like most about working at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
It’s providing the ‘sanctuary’ that inspires our name – a place where young people are free to express and discover themselves, let their guards down and never doubt that there’s a place that sees, hears and celebrates them.
What’s your favourite teatime treat?
All of the coffees, all of the time.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary.
Helping make good change happen is what I enjoy doing. My first international adventure involved rebuilding war damaged houses and schools in Kosovo in 1999. I’ve spent the last 20+ years working with amazing people all around the world who are passionate about improving really difficult challenges like improving food security in Africa and Asia. As I’ve moved from one organisation to another, I’ve learned how to tackle problems systemically.
Because I’ve worked with an international focus all my life, I connected rapidly with the Clock Tower Sanctuary. Supporting young people to have a fair chance in life, notably a place they can call home feels really important to me.
I grew up in Hassocks, and I now live with my wife and two children in Haywards Heath. Brighton is my home city. I’m a keen gardener, and enjoy playing tennis and golf, and watching the Albion!
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I was immediately struck by the practical difference that the Clock Tower Sanctuary makes in the lives of young people facing homelessness in Brighton and Hove; and I am continually inspired by the determination of staff and volunteers to meet the evolving needs of young people, particularly as the cost of living crisis takes its effect.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
Oh, it’d be toast with marmalade or jam, maybe a chunk of cheddar on the side.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary.
After a career in Sales & Marketing in technology companies, I am now one of the three founders of Watch This Sp_ce, a diversity and inclusion business to help organisations to reimagine how they work to include everyone.
I’ve been a supporter of the Clock Tower Sanctuary for many years and fundraised for the charity. I volunteer for another charity to support young people. So, when I started to think about becoming a charity Trustee, I was really interested in the Clock Tower Sanctuary as the aims to support young people who are homeless with everyday support and help for their futures really inspires and motivates me.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
Knowing that the charity really helps young people with their futures. The team of staff, volunteers and trustees are so dedicated and inspiring. I am looking forward to helping and bringing my experience and different perspectives to the team and the work that we do.
What’s your favourite tea time treat?
I don’t drink tea, so a strong black coffee for me please. And I’ll have a freshly fried samosa (or 2) and chutney to go with that. Thanks.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I have worked in Financial Services for over 15 years, and in my current role I oversee the creation and integration of our Sustainability and Responsible Investment agenda. I came to the Clock Tower Sanctuary after hearing about the amazing work they are doing across the Brighton & Hove area. I have previously volunteered with other youth charities based in London, and since moving to Brighton I have been looking for a new opportunity to combine my professional abilities with my commitment to making a difference in young people’s lives.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
To work for a charity that is supporting so many young people and making a truly positive impact is incredibly inspiring. The “family-feel” of the charity and the wide ranging ways they are helping in the community is so fantastic and I am really excited to help in any way I can.
What’s your ideal tea time treat?
A nice strong coffee and anything that has chocolate on it!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I applied to become a trustee as I loved the family feeling of the Sanctuary, and I thought that I would have some great fundraising experience to offer. My daughter is moving to Brighton shortly, and I wanted to feel that I am giving back to the community that is embracing her.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
What I like most is the feeling that everyone rolls their sleeves up and gets involved.
What’s your ideal tea time treat?
My favourite tea time snack is cheese! Any kind!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at the Clock Tower Sanctuary?
I was fortunate enough to move to Brighton 3 years ago. After visiting for a few years in a row to celebrate my birthday, I knew it was a place I wanted to call home! Being from a small town, I instantly fell in love with the city and being by the sea. During my first 3 years in the beautiful seaside city, I was also bluntly aware of its other side, and those who were in need of ongoing support, care, and attention. The Clock Tower Sanctuary brought together 3 of my biggest areas of interest: the city I call home, young people, and working together to support people who don’t yet have a place to call home.
After studying Social Policy at university, I began my career in schools and children’s care homes. I experienced the complex challenges children and young people face across the care system and the disadvantages these young people often face as they grow up. After working in children’s homes, I started working with adults in Drug and Alcohol services, and the Homelessness sector. I have worked with adults in this area for 5 years, and I often see the connection between their lives now and childhood.
I am hoping my previous experience can play a small part in helping support the future success of the charity and the people they work with.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
The aspect of CTS I like most is their passion & the amazing support offered. A combination of supporting young people for a hopeful future, and working towards ending homelessness, both areas I am passionate about. I love their holistic approach towards supporting young people experiencing homelessness.
What’s your favourite teatime treat?
More tea……

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
My name is Mark Blake, I am the co-founder of Joyfully Different, Director at the Good Consulting Company, lobbyist and campaigner, and I joined The Clock Tower Sanctuary as a trustee in 2024, bringing 7 years of experience running non profits, lobbying government and running campaigns.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
My journey with the Clock Tower Sanctuary began when I was researching different organisations that support young people in a real holistic way, and very few also support youth homelessness and after finding out the mission and dedication of the Clock Tower Sanctuary, I was moved to join to represent young voices, to learn more at a higher level how to support young people so I can take knowledge to my own non profits to drive more holistic impact for young people.
What’s your ideal tea time treat?
My favourite team time treat is Uzbek honey pie.

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I was previously a volunteer at the Clock Tower Sanctuary for 4 years until 2017 before starting my current career as a Social Worker. I loved it at CTS so much that I decided to apply as a Trustee 7 years later!
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
There is a definite feeling of equality and respect between everyone regardless of whether you are a client or a volunteer or paid staff. My favourite memories of my time as a volunteer for the CTS include the volunteers and clients laughing with each other and learning from one another. No matter what a client’s situation was or the struggles they were facing it was clear that they felt safe and supported by us as volunteers during their time in the centre and would leave at the end of the day feeling more positive.
I am hoping that my skills and experience now as a Senior Social Worker in Child Protection will benefit the Board of Trustees to continue to progress the Clock Tower Sanctuary as a charity and ensure the young people are receiving the correct support and opportunities they need.
What’s your ideal tea time treat?
Cheese, Chocolate and Crisps are my favourite!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
I was born in Brighton and have lived within 5 miles of the city centre my whole life and so it truly is a place I call home. I first became aware of CTS and the amazing work they do about 15 years ago and have supported the organisation through fundraising activities and donations for many years. In 2015 my business partners and I set up a charitable trust dedicated to supporting several organisations which support children and young people with various challenges. I have found the work with these charities inspiring and rewarding and I have always planned to support CTS more actively once my work schedule allowed. Rather fortunately, at the same time as I reduced my working week to 4 days, I heard that CTS were recruiting new trustees. I immediately put myself forward and was delighted to have been invited to join the board.
As a Management Consultant and Director of several companies I am hoping that my experience of helping and developing organisations across many sectors, combined with my experience of running my own trust can be put to good use in helping CTS to develop and to continue delivering such a vital service.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
As part of my induction, I was privileged to spend the day volunteering at the centre. I was blown away by the feeling of positivity and love that is created in the centre through the professionalism and dedication of the team of staff and volunteers…..and I must say that we cooked a very tasty spaghetti and meatballs! If I can play a small part in helping to support young people experiencing homelessness in such an impactful way and be able to refer to myself as part of the team, I shall be very proud.
What’s your ideal tea time treat?
Oat milk flat white and plain chocolate digestives

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary
The early part of my career was spent as a tennis coach helping young people achieve their dreams of competing at a National Level. I progressed through education and mentoring to become a sport psychologist enabling people to achieve their aspirations on the Olympic Stage. I then retrained as a trauma and addiction therapist and was fortunate to work for seven years with a fantastic organisation, Gordon Moody, providing support to those suffering from severe gambling harms as well as other comorbid addictions such as drugs and alcohol. I am now a therapist in Brighton operating in Brighton and globally online providing help to those who have struggled with adverse childhood experiences and maladaptive coping mechanisms / addictions in dealing with the emotional pain that resulted.
What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?
The most exciting thing about working at the Clock Tower Sanctuary is being part of a team that provides help and support early on in people’s lives, giving them a chance to deal with their issues before they become engrained behaviours for a lifetime – the opportunity to support and influence serious change in somebody’s life.
What’s your ideal tea time treat?
My favourite tea time treat would be fruit cake and tea.
"As a team, you seem completely focussed on helping to resolve the challenges facing young people. You are all clearly delivering a commendable service, something of which you should be very proud."