Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came to be at The Clock Tower Sanctuary

I was previously a volunteer at the Clock Tower Sanctuary for 4 years until 2017 before starting my current career as a Social Worker. I loved it at CTS so much that I decided to apply as a Trustee 7 years later!

What do you like most about being a Trustee at The Clock Tower Sanctuary?

There is a definite feeling of equality and respect between everyone regardless of whether you are a client or a volunteer or paid staff. My favourite memories of my time as a volunteer for the CTS include the volunteers and clients laughing with each other and learning from one another. No matter what a client’s situation was or the struggles they were facing it was clear that they felt safe and supported by us as volunteers during their time in the centre and would leave at the end of the day feeling more positive.

I am hoping that my skills and experience now as a Senior Social Worker in Child Protection will benefit the Board of Trustees to continue to progress the Clock Tower Sanctuary as a charity and ensure the young people are receiving the correct support and opportunities they need.

What’s your ideal tea time treat?

Cheese, Chocolate and Crisps are my favourite!