Will you give a gift to a young person experiencing homelessness?
We believe some things should never be too much to ask. But this winter, young people just like Martin are facing homelessness and a Christmas spent feeling lonely and isolated.
We can offer them companionship, advice, hot food and emergency support.
But we need your help. So many young people rely on us for safety and support in the run up to Christmas. Will you help young people like Martin with a gift?

could pay for a mobile phone top-up, allowing a
young person to contact their caseworker or
access vital services.

could support our Crisis Fund, providing support
including household appliances, vital ID and home essentials.

Martin’s story
When Martin first came to us at The Clock Tower Sanctuary, he was struggling with many different aspects of his life. His mental health was suffering badly and substance misuse was a real problem for him. Martin had been sleeping in car parks with just scraps of cardboard for a bed. His life seemed out of control and he knew he had to make a change.
Martin has allowed us to share some of his own words with you – here’s what he had to say about his state of mind when he first arrived at The Clock Tower Sanctuary:
“I was depressed and suicidal. It got to the point where I was telling people if I can’t get off the streets, I’m going to end my own life. I just felt like I was alone. Like I didn’t have anyone. Without this place, I’d probably be in jail or dead. It’s that simple.”
There’s real hope for people like Martin. He’s been coming to The Clock Tower Sanctuary for over six months now. We’re delighted with his progress, and so is he. He has a dedicated caseworker and has even shown interest in youth work himself.
“When I come here, I have my caseworker to talk to, I have the staff and volunteers. If I’m feeling down, everyone’s open to listen. I hope it never shuts down, and I hope when I move on from here, I can come back and start helping out others. That’s my main goal.”
The Clock Tower Sanctuary is such an important place for young people experiencing homelessness in Brighton. But we can only keep it going with your support. This winter, we need your help more than ever.
Please, give whatever you can today to help young people like Martin who are experiencing homelessness.